Monday, September 8, 2008

Why Do I Write?

Why do I write? Interesting question. Why do I write? Up to now, to be honest, I have written mostly for the sole purpose of completing school assignments. I rarely write on my own because, for me, writing already has that association with work rather than leisure. When I do write for leisure, I write with honesty, so I guess you could say I write to be honest, to give my honest opinion. Also, depending on what I’m writing, I tend to use a humorous voice in my writing. For this reason, I write to make people laugh. Generally my purpose for writing is to give people something to think about and/or to express something that I think is worth knowing. Sometimes I write to learn about myself because when I write it causes me to look deeper inside myself to find what I am trying to say, though this is usually inadvertent. Writing allows me to get myself thinking about a subject, thinking more than I probably normally would. Though cliché, writing is one of the ways I allow people to get to know me and one of the ways I get to know myself.

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